Saturday, August 7, 2010

Learn, unlearn and still learning ..

The difference between animals and human beings, is that we we thought, right? Between stimulus and response, we think .. Anyone who acknowledges being in front of an apple is because before he marked the experience, knowledge, values and belief system .. .. because before he believes .. Although our senses make some preference when it comes to learn and keep a conversation .. giving rise to different perceptions compared to the same element or same situation .. 

To understand how the process occurs, one can imagine the person entering data into the computer who processed, stored and updated when circumstances requires. Data are the sensory experiences (what you hear, feel, felt, tasted, see). This is processed and stored. . When is time to decide on how to deal with any situation, the data is updated and takes precedence over who will decide how to make the decision. Specific sensory experience is stored in the brain. What is important to work with it, is to know the structure and the conditions under which processes the experience was stored. All people use all their senses, but adopting one of the following profiles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic (touch, taste and smell).

We act on a representation of reality that is our personal map. Each person is different therefore each map of reality differs from the other map.
See the excellent communication in NLP
Many conflicts arise because we start from the principle that the other has the same references that we use, the same paths of thought and know what we mean.
Truth is subjective, there is no absolute truth. It always depends, up to the reality we all have different interpretations. We are unique beings, the challenge is to accept and learn to live with the world ..

Online Marketing is a reality where everything can be measured based on Web 2.0, Viral Marketing and Social Network Marketing ..

Currently, how many variables you have to control to successfully develop a marketing plan? Reach the 8 P’s" of services? (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Performance and Physical Evidence)

33 P’s of Marketing Mix and 33 C’s of Quality is the model we construct in our book.


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